
Showing posts from August, 2024

Different types of PEP therapies

P ost exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a systemic treatment in which we can save life of a patient and help him to prevent from becoming HIV positive. Any possible exposure which will lead to HIV infection including sexual intercourse with sex worker and during that condom gets burst or having intimate massage at massage parlor; the person is exposed to direct contact that can lead to the possible exposure to HIV. And, any health worker who gets exposed to any instrument prick like needle, cannula or any other sharp instrument during any surgical or dental procedures or in case of drug abuse patients the exposure to needle pricks or children playing in playground exposed to any mucus membrane wound exposure or during any bus, train accident, the chances of contamination can take place. This is possible in case of sexual assault also. Watch Full Video for more information.

How to increase Arginine Level ?

  Increasing arginine levels can have a positive impact on sexual health, as arginine is an amino acid that helps in the production of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow and can enhance sexual function. Here are some ways to increase arginine levels for better sexual health: Dietary Sources: Meat and Poultry Seafood Nuts and Seeds Supplements: Arginine Supplements: Available in powder or capsule form, these can directly increase arginine levels.  Lifestyle Factors: Exercise Hydration Stress Management Watch Full Video for more Information.

Causes of Sexual Inactivity

  Causes of Sexual Inactivity:  Personal Choice: People may decide not to engage in sexual activity because of their religious convictions, personal values, or a desire to concentrate on other areas of their lives. Health Issues: Sexual inactivity can occur during periods of physical health difficulties, such as chronic disease, sexual dysfunction, or recuperation following surgery. Mental Health: Stress, worry, and depression can all have an impact on a person's desire for and libido. Relationship Status: Less sexual activity may be the result of being single or having relationship issues. Life Circumstances: Significant life transitions, such moving, taking a new job, or going through a loss, might have an effect on sexual activity. Medication: Some drugs have the ability to reduce sexual function or desire, which might result in inactivity. Watch full video for more information.